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Friday, December 11, 2020

Italy is on Fire!

 ""le piste sono in fiamme!!""
Hazard: Wildfire
Date: July 11th, 2017 - July 13th, 2017
Economic cost: Moderate
Casualties: Moderate

See the source image

   Where in Italy? 

 So when talking about wildfire I know we all think about California and Australia and that's for good reasons. But do you ever think about fires in Europe let alone even Italy? Well, it's true, they really do happen and the most recent one happened in 2017. In the mid-month of July, 11 some of the biggest fires in Italy's recent history broke out. This fire stretched from the regions including Naples, and Sicily, and Basilicata. (The states of Campania; Basilicata; and Sicily)(3). Firefighters in Italy intervened in more than 10,000 individual vegetation fires, These fires majority affected the southern parts of Italy including the previously mentioned regions. (1)


Image result for map of southeren italy statesSee the source image

(Map and satellite view of  southern Italy) (1)

What's the big deal?

    Officials have reported nearly 900 wildfires in Italy (5). With people having to evacuate from their homes, businesses, and livelihoods. These fires raged on for days and burned done fast territory of the Castelfusano pine forest near the coast of the south of Rome. Fires have also even started to ravage the national park on Vesuvius one of the most infamous volcanos in the world. These major fires are believed to have their origins in human activities. However, Italy has been suffering from extensive heat and lengthy drought. So even if humans are the cause it was intensive due to the effects of global warming. The economic damage is harder to find due to a lack of government support and funding. But there are some educators on how much these fires cost the country-  - And sadly there are reports of death as well, One instant was that of a 79-year-old woman who was found dead in a filed. close to her home in Sant'Omero, She was overcome by flames that engulfed two hectares of surrounding farmland (7) In June, Sicily saw 40 percent less rainfall and temperatures were up by 1.7 celsius compared to that of the average for the month. Paired with the strong winds and arid conditions helped fuel the fires to be able to rage for 3 days. (1)

wildfire mount vesuvius italy july 2017, wildfire mount vesuvius italy july 2017. Giant skull appears above Italian volcano Mount Vesuvius in clouds of smoke thrown up by wildfires., wildfire mount vesuvius italy july 2017 pictures, wildfire mount vesuvius italy july 2017 video

(This is a fire on the side of Mount Vesuvius)(5)


Economic loss & mitigation

    The fires were able to take care of after only 3 days.(2) But this highlights the effects of climate change on this very economically strained region. Estimates on climate show a very significant change in magnitude and duration of extreme water conditions onward since the 1970s indicates a shift in the hydrological process (6). This article's main point was to talk about the effects of climate change and fishers, but we are able to use the date that was found and applied it to the increase of wildfires in the region.

One last major thing we need to take into consideration is the annual budget for Italy's national fire department. in 2017 they had a budget of over $2 billion which is a lot. This is very important it shows how Italy is able to defend itself from destructive fires. Likewise, California has a budget well beyond Italy, however, the effects of climate change on California are very significate with extremely dry rain seasons and dry vegetation. Italy is starting to show signs that they very much might become the next California or Australia if climate change isn't put at the front of the world's needs. These fires will only cost 
(this chart shows the budget for firefighting)(8) 
the country more and more, and very soon tourists will soon take noticed and will take their money elsewhere. In 2017 due to the fires over 700 tourists were evacuated from Sicily by boat (9). If more tourists decided to go elsewhere then the loss will bring the country into a massive economic spiral. Since 2007 the country has already gone into 3 different recessions. (10) So lastly what can be done to prevent another hazard like this in Italy? Well, Italy needs to focus more on keeping water reserves for the dryest of seasons. Especially since a 2017 season is more than likely to reoccur again. Most importantly need to invest in improving building infrastructure. If Italy is willing to improve in these sectors then the cost of protecting homes and people will fall and the risk of civilians will also fall and then the country will be on a better path, a path where no one will feel threatened by something as devastating as a wildfire. However, we need to not forget that this is a natural process, we can never be free from it, so we need to do the best we can to there mitigate or live with it Such as the native people in Australia who are now embracing the fire into there lives. 

See the source image
(fire burning in Scilly) (6)


This video shows the effects on the local environment of Sicily caused by the fires. But it also shows what could become a more common phenomenon if climate change is not taken seriously by global powers. 


(1) Jenner, L. (2017, July 03). Fires on Sicily and Southern Italy. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2017/fires-in-sicily-and-southern-italy

(2) Southern Italy struck by wildfire. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-40591756

(3) Wildfires rage in southern Italy, Vesuvius slopes. (2017, July 11). Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://apnews.com/article/f1f1809c776e4cf7a2cf97c2dc8715eb

(4) By:, P. (2017, July 12). Wildfires Rage in Southern Italy. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://wildlandfirefighter.com/2017/07/12/wildfires-rage-in-southern-italy/

(5) -, S., By, -, Strange Soundshttps://strangesounds.orgFollow Strange Sounds to discover amazing, Strange Sounds, & Follow Strange Sounds to discover amazing. (2017, July 19). European Inferno: Large wildfires burn hundreds of hectares across France, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Montenegro. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://strangesounds.org/2017/07/large-wildfires-burn-hundreds-of-hectares-across-france-croatia-italy-montenegro-european-inferno.html

(6) Nicola, G., Elvira, B., Jonsson, B., Ayllón, D., & Almodóvar, A. (2017, November 06). Local and global climatic drivers of Atlantic salmon decline in southern Europe. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165783617302874

(7) Staff, S. (2017, August 03). Italy heatwave and drought spark killer wildfires. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://phys.org/news/2017-08-italy-heatwave-drought-killer-wildfires.html

(8) N. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2020, from https://www.nifc.gov/fireInfo/fireInfo_documents/SuppCosts.pdf

(9) Bottinelli, S. (2017, July 13). 600 Tourists rescued by boat as wildfires engulf Calampiso resort in Sicily. Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://www.ybw.com/news-from-yachting-boating-world/600-tourists-rescued-by-boat-as-wildfires-engulf-town-of-calampiso-in-sicily-56400

(10) Why Italy's economy is about to collapse. (2016, June 20). Retrieved December 12, 2020, from https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/why-italy-s-economy-about-collapse-a7091221.html

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