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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Kuril Islands Earthquakes of 2006-2007 and the following tsunamis.

 As the title suggests, the Kuril Islands Earthquakes of 2006-2007 are regarding both tsunamis and the earthquakes that caused them. These events spanned from November 15th, 2006, and January 13th, 2007. The epicenter of these earthquakes and tsunamis were on the Kuril Islands of Japan while sending tsunamis that delt major damage to Crecent City California.

                The magnitude 8.3 earthquake on November 15th, 2006, started along the Kuril-Kamchatka trench and battered the nearby Kuril Islands which are uninhabited and acted as a buffer for Hokkaido Japan and Kamchatka Russia. Though the tsunamis it created did travel all the way to threaten North America in places like Washington, Oregon, Alaska and Hawaii, though by far the most damaged by the event was Crecent City California. This led to a large amount of structural damage, sand loss (Wilson, Unknown), and even a few injuries with approximately $9.2 million dollars in losses (Dengler et al, 2009). Its aftershock rang out on January 13th, 2007, with a surprisingly large 8.1 magnitude. There was much less destruction from this aftershock though, as more precautionary measures were put in place to stop damage.

                There is a clear message that can be learned from my resources, and that lesson is to take the warnings or natural hazards seriously. It may sound humorous, but Crecent City would have been far less damaged if the communication of the warning was successfully given and not somehow missed in the chain of communication (Wilson, Unknown). The aftershock further proves how integral preparations are as when they were informed, very little damage was taken in Crecent City.


ResearchGate, Ekstrom et al. 2012  https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Seismic-activity-of-the-Kuril-Island-arc-region-from-1-January-1976-to-15-November-2006_fig1_341253859

This image shows the seismic activity of the fault where the earthquake occurred at the time of the quakes.

National Centers for Environmental Information, Wessel https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/products/natural-hazards/tsunamis-earthquakes-volcanoes/tsunamis/recent-significant-events/kuril-island-nov-2006-earthquake-dart-summary

This image is of varying amounts of data such as water level, PSIA, and overall tidal analysis of the earthquake across the Pacific Ocean.

Semantic Scholar, Lay et al. 2009 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-2006%E2%80%932007-Kuril-Islands-great-earthquake-Lay-Kanamori/38ca0244b139b4cf8503536fc0a3e7d41f9f9db4/figure/2

This image shows the strange ground shake statistics giving strange information on how much more effected Japan was with the weaker aftershock than the main quake.


This is just about the only video I can find about this event, so I apologize for its quality.


WSSPC, Unknown date, Western States Seismic Policy. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://wsspc.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/TsuCenSigEv_2006Kuril.pdf#:~:text=The%20magnitude%208.3%20Kuril%20Islands%20earthquake%20on%20November,trans-Pacific%20tsunami%20since%20the%20Alaska%20tsunami%20of%201964.

Online Library, (2009, November 24), The 2006–2007 Kuril Islands great earthquake sequence. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2008JB006280

USGS, (2009, October 27), The November 15, 2006 Kuril Islands-generated tsunami in Crescent City, California. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://www.usgs.gov/publications/november-15-2006-kuril-islands-generated-tsunami-crescent-city- california#:~:text=On%20November%2015%2C%202006%2C%20Crescent%20City%20in%20Del,and%20caused%20an%20estimated%20%249.2%20million%20in%20losses.

Nature, (2008, January 31), A great earthquake doublet and seismic stress transfer cycle in the central Kuril islands. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://www.nature.com/articles/nature06521

USGS, (2016), M 8.3 - Kuril Islands. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usp000exfn/executive

Springer Link, (2009, May 3), The Kuril Earthquakes and tsunamis of November 15, 2006, and January 13, 2007: Observations, analysis, and numerical modeling. Retrieved August 31st 2024 from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S0001437009020027

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